Fed up of handwritten notes?

General | Posted July 29, 2014 by Jade

It seems that everywhere you turn today you hear about the benefits of introducing your clinic to computer software.

With endless incidences being paraded in the news highlighting the importance of data protection, you would be forgiven for thinking that it’s best to steer clear of software packages. Of course, the reality is that living in a world which is constantly becoming more reliant on technology means that very soon you too may have to take that leap of faith.

A quick internet search will find the many software companies out there are providing wide-ranging practice management systems.

If the sheer bulk of these software companies are to be considered, then there must be a compelling reason for practitioners to be introducing them to their clinics. So what are the real benefits to becoming completely paperless?

No more scruffy handwriting!

Going on the premise that we all know at least one person with illegible handwriting; handwritten clinical notes can often prove difficult to read at a glance. Time taken straining to make out jumbled letters could be better spent treating patients which is one of the joys of electronic clinical notes. Patient notes can be located quickly on screen, free of tea-stains!

Better communication

Going away for the week? Use a call-handling company to take your calls and have them book appointments directly through your software’s appointment diary. There’s even the capability for you to access your database from anywhere in the world – with luggage weight restrictions becoming even tighter, you can carry your entire database on-board with a 2kg laptop.

A common problem in private practice is maintaining contact with your patients. With computer software you can send out mailshots via SMS or E-Mail to all of your clients in just one click! What’s more, you can send appointment confirmations and reminders – a practical way to reduce your DNA rate.

No more guessing games

With comprehensive reporting features, you can see how well your clinic is doing, keep on track of your aged debtors and generate revenue reports broken down by practitioners.

Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.

Data Protection Principles

No more briefcases

Paperless means paperless. Your entire clinic data will be stored on a centralised database either in the cloud (ie. Stored in a data centre accessed either by VPN, remote desktop or web browser connections) or installed on your local PC.

Try before you buy

It is always good to explore your options. Software companies like us don’t expect everyone to be clued up on IT thus all are designed with you in mind and are as user-friendly as they can possibly be. Of course no one becomes an expert overnight and there are many different training courses you can pursue to assist you in getting to know your software. The ideal place to start would be to have a demonstration before getting involved in the finer detail.

The long-run

Sure, you may choose to continue using tried and tested methods but technology advances over recent years deem it inevitable that you will soon become more reliant on technology to assist in the day to day running of your clinic.

Sadly, filing cabinets are becoming a thing of the past and it’s important that we embrace now new technology rather than dismissing it in the hope that it will eventually disappear.

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